The world may be getting smaller, but it is not getting any less complex. If your company has decided to sell internationally you have a new set of challenges. Do you open an office in-country, use independent sales representatives, distributors or resellers? We can help you make those decisions and execute them. We are well versed in setting up and managing international sales networks.
Distinct from general sales issues, international proposal work has its own concerns. Different regulatory requirements, terms and conditions and contracting customs need to be addressed. Depending on the industry there can be large business issues such as requirements for siting a division in-country, offsets and technology transfer. Care must be taken to address these issues properly in your tender and to price in the additional risk factors present in international programs
US export regulations are complex and the consequences for violating them can sink your business. Getting the correct classification under the Munitions List or CCL is complicated and important. Applying for an export license, meeting ITAR requirements for export, Manufacturing License Agreements and Technical Assistance Agreements requires specialized knowledge and experience that we can provide. Not to be overlooked is how to comply with US export law and still be competitive internationally.
At the other end of the transaction are the import regulations of the country you're exporting to. Customs, duty, tariffs and rules concerning free trade zones need to be addressed. We can help there too.